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Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert blames wearing a mask for his positive coronavirus diagnosis

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Breaking News: Donald Trump Jr.'s Twitter account suspended for sharing a video with false information

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan: "I hate to say it, but it looks like this president is doing a dress rehearsal for martial law."

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Why Portland? The city's history of protest takes an exceptional turn

Ben Carson says 'They blame Donald Trump for everything,'

President Donald Trump discussed regretting some tweets and what his life was like just before he announced his decision to run for president

President Donald Trump touts 'tremendous progress' with COVID vaccines, therapeutics in exclusive interview with Dr. Siegel

Nancy Pelosi calls coronavirus the 'Trump virus' following revived White House task force briefing

Meghan McCain “It was the first time I’ve really seen President Trump squirm, and this is someone who is clearly not feeling as confident as we have seen him in the past.”

The president’s daughter receives backlash for posting a photo of herself holding a can of Goya beans on Twitter

Kellyanne Conway: Decision to send kids back to school is a personal one

The White House Press Secretary on Trump's push to reopen schools: "The science should not stand in the way of this."

Perisent Donald Trump tries to distance himself from adviser's Fauci attack

The ABC talk show co-host praises Gov. Cuomo's coronavirus response: 'Right' in all early efforts

Some "Good Doctor" talk about "Great News" of the coronavirus outbreak